Plot #1: Poison Ivy Seep - September 6. 2020
The Witchwood includes a significant area of seeps / small intermittent stream beds, but only this one is dominated by poison ivy.
Click for photo sphere |
Approximately square, 10-12ft per side, bounded by 4 trees at corners, marked in image below.
Marked trees formed corners of plot |
- Corner 1: yellow birch, CBH: XX, DBH: YY
- Corner 2: yellow birch, CBH: XX, DBH: YY
- Corner 3: eastern hemlock, CBH: XX, DBH: YY
- Corner 4: yellow birch, CBH: XX, DBH: YY
No other mature trees inside the plot. Cover includes corner trees plus additional shading from hemlock and ash (sp unknown) rooted outside the plot.
% coverage: ???
Shrub Layer:
- 1 hemlock approximately 3ft height, ~1in in diameter at base
- ~6 hemolock seedlings between 6in and 2ft
- 3 spruce (red?) seedlings between 6in and 2ft
- 1 beech seedling ~1ft
- 1 unknown seedling/shrub ~1ft
Woody Low/Sub- Shrubs:
Scale: abundant - frequent - occasional - rare
- Poison ivy: abundant
- Dwarf raspberry: frequent
- Skunk currant: occasional
Herbaceous Layer:
Scale: abundant - frequent - occasional - rare
- Jewelweed: abundant
- Goldthread: abundant
- Side-flowering skullcap: frequent
- Red maple seedling <6in: frequent
- Osmunda sp: frequent
- Mountain woodsorrel: frequent
- Starflower: occasional
- Sensitive fern: occasional
- Heartleaf foamflower: rare
- Jack-in-the-pulpit: rare
- Canada mayflower: rare
- Partridgeberry: rare
- Viola sp: rare
- Lady fern?: rare
- Halberd-leaved tearthumb: rare
- Rattlesnakeroot sp: rare
- Unknown herbaceous plant: rare
Abundant mosses - many types including sphagnum
Liverwort - the one all over my yellow birches
Grasses/sedges: occasional, including deertongue?
Other Notable Observations:
- Deer droppings
- White mold or slime mold
- A vole
- 4 frogs including 2 green frogs
- Various insects visiting the plants, though nothing blooming